

In job descriptions, candidates are often asked for a combination of interpersonal and hard skills. Interpersonal Skills vs Hard Skills, what you should know and dedicate your time and resources to learn – check below. Hard skills are related to professional knowledge, tools, or techniques that allow us to work within our profession. In contrast,…

15 Best Communications Degree Jobs and Career Paths

15 Best Communications Degree Jobs and Career Paths

If you are wondering what you can do with a Communications Degree, please know that as a communication graduate, there are a couple of areas you can choose a career path for yourself, both in the private and government sectors.  And although all career path seems very lucrative, some careers are more lucrative than others….

Top 9 Interpersonal Communication Barriers

Top 9 Interpersonal Communication Barriers

During the transfer of information from one person to another, there are usually some barriers that may hinder the process of interpersonal communication. In such cases, the recipient’s perception is usually hinged on either there is the presence or absence of communication barriers during the process of communication.  In the event of a barrier, the…

Top 15 Social and Interpersonal Skills at Work

Top 15 Social and Interpersonal Skills at Work

Our work performance and recognition depend not only on how good and experienced we are at doing our jobs, but also on how we behave and establish a relationship with our colleagues and commit to the organization that hired us.  We will be touching upon the top 15 social and interpersonal skills at work, in…

7 Indicators of Good and Bad Social Skills

7 Indicators of Good and Bad Social Skills

Every one of us knows that friend or colleague who easily makes friends or convinces people, or even helps others because they empathize with their situation. Sometimes it feels like they have some super magic power to easily deal with others. Guess what? We call that Social Skills. Social Skills are the aptness we can have by…

The 4 Methods or Types of Speech Delivery

The 4 Methods or Types of Speech Delivery

On a daily basis, people use several types of speech delivery to connect with others, influence decisions, and motivate change without realizing which occasions a specific method of speech delivery should be used. Today we will talk about 4 types of speech delivery that are commonly used and sometimes happen almost unnoticed. Manuscript Speech Memorized…

How to Prepare and Deliver a Great Memorized Speech

How to Prepare and Deliver a Great Memorized Speech

A memorized speech can be a real nightmare; We easily forget most things even setting schedules and alarms, or asking a friend to remind us about important things to do proves to be a challenge sometimes – now imagine memorizing an entire speech. Today we will learn a bit about how to prepare ourselves and…

Extemporaneous Presentation: Definition and Actionable tips

Extemporaneous Presentation: Definition and Actionable tips

There are several forms or methods of speech delivery out there and it can be impromptu (with no warning, more improvisation required), or the most common case: extemporaneous presentations. EXTEMPORANEOUS PRESENTATION DEFINITION We need to define this properly and make sure people don’t get confused here. Because from a literal sense extemporaneous and impromptu have…