Formal Communication – 5 things to Know

Formal Communication – 5 things to Know

Formal communication is the easiest way to communicate in the workplace because it is all predefined by the organizational structure; it is characterized by a more significant concern with the choice of words and the absence of common slang and expressions used in everyday life. However, we may see ourselves using the formal language and…

How Strong Interpersonal Communication Boost Productivity?

How Strong Interpersonal Communication Boost Productivity?

From a sociological perspective, as human beings, when we are born, we are fitted within a social and cultural environment built with norms and morals that society expects each and every one of us to follow. According to research done by Ipsos, 57% of people use social tools to improve collaboration in the work environment….

Informal Communication 3 Things to Know

Informal Communication 3 Things to Know

Informal or colloquial language represents everyday language; that is, it is spontaneous language, regionalist, and unconcerned with grammatical norms; people regularly use it in daily conversations, especially when they have some intimacy. In today’s article, we will find a bit more about informal communication, when it is appropriate to use, which social groups are better…

The Reason Why you Sweat When Presenting

The Reason Why you Sweat When Presenting

Performing presentations are experiences that we need to have during our whole life, from primary school to work-life. We will have different subjects we need to study by ourselves or in a group, and sometimes anxiety can be uncontrollable.  In this article, we will let you know some of the reasons why people sweat when…

These Are the Colors to Wear When Giving a Presentation

These Are the Colors to Wear When Giving a Presentation

How can we choose a suitable color scheme for a presentation? This is a complex subject; many professionals also do not know where to start thinking about this subject. It’s not just clothes that influence other people’s opinions of us, but colors as well, including in professional situations.  According to experts, the most suitable shades…

9 Interpersonal Skills to add to your resume or CV

9 Interpersonal Skills to add to your resume or CV

A resume serves, above all, to define whether or not we have alignment with the open position. If we look at the job ad, we will know the most important and proper skills to show that we’d be the ideal person for the position. The job ad usually describes the critical skills that interested professionals…

8 Key Tips for Answering Phone Calls Professionally

8 Key Tips for Answering Phone Calls Professionally

According to Cornell University, United States research, first impressions have the power to influence future relations framing our personality because of an attitude, morals, tastes, and more; our character is now judged by the person with whom we interact. This study suggests that people take their assumptions about others to new interactions, so let’s imagine…

7 Interpersonal Skills to Stand Out at Work

7 Interpersonal Skills to Stand Out at Work

We live in a highly competitive society. Becoming better at your craft or knowing how to excel at work, maintain employment or get a job is a major necessity. Therefore, having a career strategy is vital for those who want to be successful professionals in their field.  By professional career development strategy, I don’t just…

What is the Role and Importance of Corporate Communication

What is the Role and Importance of Corporate Communication

Communication is one of the pillars of collaborative work: it is strengthened through the building of bonds, emotions, and experiences; as social beings, people are shaped in daily life according to their experiences, orientations, and contexts—communication allows the “building and managing [of these] shared realities” (Mannuci, 2008: 45).   In this article, we will learn…