What Makes a Great Presenter? 9 Key Qualities to Look for!

What Makes a Great Presenter? 9 Key Qualities to Look for!

Any successful public speaker will tell you that great presenters and public speakers are not born, they are made. So, What makes a great Presenter? To become a highly-skilled presenter all you need do is to understand some basic concepts and to practice them.  What follows is an exploration of how public speaking professionals improve their…

Want to Stand Out? 15 Key Tips for an Awesome Presentation
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Want to Stand Out? 15 Key Tips for an Awesome Presentation

Presentation skills are often taken for granted, and developing and practicing these skills will give you a huge advantage. There is nothing less engaging than a dispassionate speaker flipping through slides for a set amount of time. To stand out, follow these key steps and turn an okay presentation into an awesome one! The fifteen…

11 Best Body Language Tips For Engaging Presentations (#11 is Underrated)
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11 Best Body Language Tips For Engaging Presentations (#11 is Underrated)

Growing up, we were always taught how we should have manners while talking to others and that there were some things we could not do in front of people like sprawling or even putting our elbows on the table while eating because it was rude. In the examples above, the rudeness comes from gestures, not…

The 7 Best Apps For Developing Communication Skills
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The 7 Best Apps For Developing Communication Skills

Whether you’re a verbose social butterfly or a quiet social observer, we can all afford to improve our communication skills. Having the ability to convey a message or meaning directly in a way that will be immediately understood is an underrated talent.  Fortunately, there are great tools and apps at your disposal to help improve…

Rhetorical Questions Definition: 3 Types and Examples

Rhetorical Questions Definition: 3 Types and Examples

Most often than not, an answer is usually regarded as the complementary part of a question, and both are generally said to go hand-in-hand. But when it comes to rhetorical questions, the rule seems different, especially as no answer is required when a rhetorical question is asked. So, what then is a rhetorical question, you…

Communication Skills Guide: Examples of 11 Good and 8 Poor ones
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Communication Skills Guide: Examples of 11 Good and 8 Poor ones

Having effective communication skills is essential to every aspect of life, from going through school/college, to simply sharing ideas, speaking in public, nailing an interview, for better prospects in bidding proposals and whether we like it or not, we sometimes have poor communication skills. Well, it is not wrong to accept it; in fact, it…

Presentation to Senior Management – 5 great Insights for Success!

Presentation to Senior Management – 5 great Insights for Success!

As an employee, you always have to present something to the senior management or executives. Learning how to deliver a presentation to senior management might just be what gives you that opening and impact your career/business opportunity in/with that company. Generally, presenting to senior management is one of the most challenging tasks that you will…

How to Introduce a Speaker in the Right Way? 11 Tips for Successful Speaker Introduction

How to Introduce a Speaker in the Right Way? 11 Tips for Successful Speaker Introduction

A good speaker introduction is very crucial to ensure effective presentations and speeches. So many speeches than anyone could imagine have been doomed to failure by a simple bad introduction. And what everyone expected to be a moment of kindling the fire of enthusiasm in the audience turns out to be a brain freeze outbreak. …

The 7 Basic Elements of Public Speaking

The 7 Basic Elements of Public Speaking

Remember that time you had to present a topic in front of a crowd? Probably it was a proposal at work or an oral report in grade school. You took the time to prepare and gather materials, after which you climbed the podium and started talking. There are seven basic elements of public speaking that…