300 Examples of Interesting Questions in a Conversation

300 Examples of Interesting Questions in a Conversation

Every day we walk down the street, and we see new faces, or we’re on the phone, and we see people who are so socially participatory, and it just feels like they’re unreachable people. Being able to make interesting questions and keep the conversation going is a great social skill. So, grab a coffee and…

5 Basic Elements of Emotional Intelligence

We all have emotions that can be pleasant: like joy, and love, or negative: like fear, anger, shame, guilt, and jealousy. However, not everyone can recognize and name them and deal with them effectively. Emotions play an essential role in our lives, communicating our needs, rights, and frustrations, which saddens us and makes us happy….

8 Effective Ways to Give Constructive Criticism at Work

8 Effective Ways to Give Constructive Criticism at Work

Some people don’t respond well to criticism. This is mainly because we prefer to be praised for our strengths and not criticized for our weaknesses. In this context, the question arises: how do we make constructive criticism without discouraging the person?  This question is one of many that will be answered during this article, right…

Interpersonal Skills: 20 Tips on How to Give and Receive Feedback

Interpersonal Skills: 20 Tips on How to Give and Receive Feedback

In communication terms, feedback is the response of an individual or a group to a message or an action.  In a world where good communication is the ability to deliver and receive clear messages, giving and receiving feedback are essential skills. Learning about these tips on how to give and receive feedback is critical. 10 TIPS…

7 Essential Interpersonal Skills for Teachers

7 Essential Interpersonal Skills for Teachers

Teachers are one of the social groups responsible for people’s socialization and thus their way of being. They are a cornerstone of society and human development wherever you go. This article will discuss a list of 7 Essential Interpersonal Skills for Teachers and then explain why they are so crucial for the teachers and the…

Interpersonal Skills: 11 Good Ways to Set Goals with the TEAM

Interpersonal Skills: 11 Good Ways to Set Goals with the TEAM

Nowadays, it’s critical that leaders possess strong interpersonal skills, and one key aspect of being a leader is having polished the ability to set goals with the team. If you are curious about the eleven ways to set goals for your team, please check them below: People management Goal-oriented  Track progress Energy and initiative to…

The 7 Key Steps of Effective Interpersonal Problem-Solving

The 7 Key Steps of Effective Interpersonal Problem-Solving

Any interpersonal relationship involving two or more distinct people is susceptible to having misunderstandings, in which one does not agree, and the other has divergent opinions and views. These misunderstandings can lead to conflicts that, if properly solved, can generate significant progress in the relationship, strengthening it. If you are wondering what are the 7 Key…

Top 8 Interpersonal Qualities of Great Leaders

Top 8 Interpersonal Qualities of Great Leaders

A leader believes in the impossible when some of us don’t; they see things from a perspective that can be a limitation for others and thinks a bit ahead of his/her time.   People who don’t have good interpersonal skills to be leaders can still develop them and increase their chances of becoming a leader. In…