salary during the job Interview

How to bring up salary during the job Interview? (And when?)

If bringing up the subject of salary poses a problem for you during an interview, tell yourself that you are one of the 95% of candidates embarrassed by the question. There is a good chance that your interlocutor has already experienced what you feel…

When and how to broach the subject of remuneration during a job interview? We will try to answer two questions in this article to avoid you running the risk of asking too much or too little. However, it is a subject that should be systematically raised during interviews before hiring.

When to raise the issue of salary during the job interview?

This is a subject to be discussed at the end of the interview! You, therefore, have time to discuss it, and more often than not, it is the recruiter who will address the problem. This is also when the candidate has more value in the eyes of the recruiters due to all the prior engagements.

By waiting for the end of the interview to broach this subject, you will avoid giving the image of a candidate mainly interested in remuneration.

And you will have had time to assess the recruiter’s interest in your application and ask questions whose answers will be helpful to negotiate later better.

How to raise the question of salary during the interview?

Whether you or the recruiter broaches the subject, there should be no room for improvisation when raising the question of salary during the recruitment interview. This implies having carried out a study on the salaries practiced on the job market before the interview.

 For the type of position offered. Do not be satisfied with the average or median salaries provided by the studies, and integrate into your analysis the impact that has on these values:

  • Geographical location;
  • The workforce supervised;
  • The area of ​​the activity;
  • Your experience in the function;
  • Your training.

It would be best if you took advantage of the interview to ask questions that will help you determine the level of compensation that the company is likely to accept.

While being informed is a necessary condition, it is not sufficient. You will also need to be prepared to negotiate, which means that you will need to:

  1. Estimate your salary expectations

Salary requirements should not be random or fanciful. To best estimate your claims, you have to observe the local labor market, calculate the cost of living, and evaluate your skills, including those that can bring a real plus to your profile.

  1. Give the first fork before the interview.

Before the actual interview, a salary range should be established with the recruiter during a telephone interview, for example. It is not a question of going into detail, which could be badly perceived, but instead of ensuring that the remuneration will not be a blocking element in the rest of the recruitment process.

  1. Introduce the question of salary

The recruiter rather than the candidate usually addresses the issue of salary itself. If the recruiter does not do this, the candidate can wait until the end of the interview and ask, for example, the level of remuneration of the people he will supervise. 

Also, he can ask the recruiter about the company’s general policy in terms of remuneration and profit-sharing.

It is essential to be specific when discussing salary, and know if the employer speaks in gross pay and annual salary.

 Do not hesitate to ask for the amount of the gross monthly salary to identify the existence of bonuses or a possible thirteenth month. Also, ask about the presence of any social benefits.

 The question of remuneration should be raised from the first interview if the recruitment process is done in several stages.

  1.  Do not inflate or minimize your salary expectations

Some applicants are tempted to boost their previous salaries to negotiate higher compensation. This is a gross error, and recruiters are not fooled. They have an excellent knowledge of the job market and can verify this information anyway.

  1. Salary negotiation is a form of evaluation.

We must not neglect the negotiation and approach it extremely professionally. Indeed, it indicates certain character traits since negotiation skills, persuasiveness, and comfort with numbers are essential skills.

  1. Break the taboo of money

Do not be reluctant to talk about salary. Salary negotiation is a perfectly healthy professional exchange. What’s more, it demonstrates the interest that a candidate has for a position and the value he attributes to it.

Company or recruitment agency, two different processes

Recruitment agencyCompany
Recruitment is a codified process that includes several interlocutors and occurs in several stages. The salary issue must be addressed at the right time and with the right person.If you are received directly by the recruiting company, your salary will not be systematically raised during the first meeting.
The question will be dealt with during the first meeting if you go through a recruitment agency.This first contact is geared towards the candidate’s compatibility with the position offered. The objective for the interlocutor who receives is to communicate the missions and responsibilities of the position to determine if your profile corresponds. 
You will be asked for your compensation expectations (often a range) to ensure that your expectations match the recruiting client’s expectations.The salary question only comes second once you have convinced and made your interlocutor and his superiors want to see you again.


You are free to ask about your salary. However, it would be best to wait for the most appropriate time. The interview is a moment of alignment between the candidate and the recruiter, but the professional must know about the salary during the first contact.

And this subject can arise naturally throughout the process, and some recruiters even question the candidate’s salary claim. If this happens during the job interview, the candidate can ask whether his intention aligns with the vacancy in question.

Interest in the remuneration and benefits of the position is natural, but often addressing the topic right away is not welcomed by recruiters. Remember: don’t come in wanting to know what the company offers, but talk about what you offer them.

Reference and Further Reading 

Your Salary: How To Broach The Subject In An Interview

 When and How to Negotiate Salary With an Employer – Robert Half

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