Practice Interpersonal Skills

5 Ways to Practice Interpersonal Skills

Considering that interpersonal skills are essential for the quality of our personal and professional life, as individuals when we know our feelings and emotions, we can express ourselves better.

So, it is essential to intentionally improve interpersonal skills such as: knowing how to listen and put oneself in the place of another, recognizing and managing emotions, and exercising respectful and empathetic conduct, present creative and appropriate approaches to resolution.

In this article, we are going to talk about the 5 Ways to Practice Interpersonal Skills.

  • Have extraordinary activities
  • Travel to places controversial from your culture
  • Download trade applications
  • Cultivate a positive outlook
  • Hangout with your friends

5 Ways to Practice Interpersonal Skills Explained

  1. Have extra-ordinary activities

Unusual activities are those we realize aside from school, work, or any activity that is a part of our routine. Some categories of this type are arts (dance, music, theatre, etc.), club participation, hobbies, sports, volunteer work, and community actions.

These activities can be considered complementary to forming a human being since they are essential for the development of cognitive, motor, and affective skills.

Not only do they allow that we see different perspectives of our lives, but they help us develop creativity and manipulate it in many scenarios.

Ways to Practice your Interpersonal SkillBenefitsExample for some of the activities
Have extraordinary activitiesMore power of initiative;Skills development; More remarkable ability to set goals; Stimulating social life.Volunteering, meditation, yoga, reading clubs, music or dance school, football.
  1. Travel to places controversial from your culture

Travel increases our cognitive ability. When we get to know a new place, we end up having to face, during the journey, a completely different reality and have to absorb several further information at the same time: from language, maps, location, culture, among others. This is an opportunity to enrich ourselves cognitively and culturally through a unique learning experience.

Individual characteristics have their origin in the combination of different social, environmental, and biological factors. Such unique features manifest themselves as consistent patterns of thoughts and behaviors,

That they can be stimulated and developed through formal and informal learning processes like that, so traveling to places incredibly different from the culture we have been raised in encourages respect for other people’s naturality.

Ways to Practice your Interpersonal SkillBenefitsExample of some of the activities
Travel to places controversial from your cultureMore power of initiative;Skills development; Greater ability to set goals; Stimulating social life.Volunteering, meditation, yoga, reading clubs, music or dance school, football.
  1. Download trade applications

Traveling to know a new country is a great experience, desired by many young people because of the coronavirus (or lack of finances and other issues). Millions of people are confined to their homes, and the world of tourism is almost totally paralyzed.

Nowadays, several applications make it possible to interact with the world, learn new languages, build friendships with foreign people and perform cultural exchanges that are so pleasing.

Ways to Practice your Interpersonal SkillBenefitsExample of some of the apps
Download trade applicationsLearn new languages; Expand your vision of the world and life; Add value to your resume.AbloTandem HelloTalkTravel BuddyVent
  1. Cultivate a positive outlook

The strength of positive thinking promotes countless benefits for our health. Being optimistic can help us overcome the obstacles we encounter along the way. The force is so great that it can directly influence all instances of our being, incredible as it may seem.

Perspectives are the different ways of seeing reality; it is as if to observe a particular event from several different angles.

Let us imagine that we just got out from a party with our friends and a guy or a lady driving drunk run over you and your friends, and one of them got hurt so bad that needed to do a 


This Chirurgie leaves him a person with paralysis, so this friend enters a depressed state with the thought that she was a victim of bad luck. If you want to have a better and happier life, start cultivating positive thinking in all situations, no matter how difficult right now!

Ways to Practice your Interpersonal SkillBenefitsSome examples of how to start it
Cultivate a positive outlookPositive thoughts help start our process of personal improvement and development; It helps us control our vibration no matter the situation we are facing.Watch your thoughtsHave a gratitude book and write about little stuff that makes you grateful; Hangout with people with good vibration.

5. Hangout with your friends

Once or twice a week, it is always essential to organize an outing with friends to forget work, relax and release stress. Indeed, most people do not know this, but going out with friends is very beneficial to our health.

Indeed, these outings will allow you to stop thinking about these problems even if it is only the time of an evening. Besides, we will also have the opportunity to share if we have worries with your friends to find a solution together.

Ways to Practice your Interpersonal SkillBenefitsSome examples of how to start it
Hangout with your friendsGoing out with friends is an opportunity to build and strengthen relationships with others; To avoid having a hangover at work, it is always advisable to organize an outing with friends on Friday or Saturday evening and not on Sunday or a day in the middle of the week.Watch your thoughtsHave a gratitude book and write about little stuff that makes you grateful; Hangout with people with good vibration.


Everyone within the team is responsible for some activity. The dedication and effort of each team member need to be directed towards a common goal.

Note that when something does not go well, not infrequently, we tend to externalize our dissatisfaction.

 It can happen through a bad mood, sadness, isolation, or even aggressiveness.

Realizing this is very important, especially in work and family relationships. When the other one is not well and treats us in a hostile or offensive way, we usually tend to take it personally and think that his problem is with us. The same is true of other’s view of us. Know that it is not personal most of the time and that your behavior, in reality, is the reflection of an internal, temporary, or constant dissatisfaction.

Reference and Further Reading

10 Excellent Ways to Develop Interpersonal Skills at Work.EDUCBA

Nine Tips for Improving Your Interpersonal Skills. KELLY.

Teal Swan Podcast. Google Podcasts

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