7 Tips for Giving Collective Feedback

7 Tips for Giving Collective Feedback

Labor relations should not be based on the simple delivery of workforce to the company – be it intellectual or manual – in exchange for a salary. Entrepreneurs and managers must become aware of the importance of feedback, which is a return on employees’ development. Feedback can help professionals evolve in their trajectory within the…

Active Listening Skills: Definition, How to Improve Active Listening

Active Listening Skills: Definition, How to Improve Active Listening

Do you remember ever being in a lecture, hearing your teacher explain something about a topic, and yet, feeling like you didn’t take anything from it at the end of the lesson? Or do you remember ever being in conversation with someone and, shortly after, not being able to recall the details of what the…

3 Key benefits of Assertive Communication: Easy Tips to Develop it!

3 Key benefits of Assertive Communication: Easy Tips to Develop it!

Assertiveness is a life skill, useful both in the world of work and in everyday life. However, the reactions and behaviors we have today are the results of several years of good conditioning.  Developing assertive communication is not something that happens overnight: it is with a lot of practice, you will get there that you…

9 Ways to Improve Written and Verbal Communication Skills

9 Ways to Improve Written and Verbal Communication Skills

Effective communication is an essential tool for achieving success; good communication generates understanding, brings people together, and facilitates understanding messages.  Immense problems arise from poor communication, such as disagreements between people, harmful environments, be it at work or at home, etc. Generally, the difficulty in communicating is associated with a lack of professional competence, so…

The Importance of Communication Skills during a Job Interview

The Importance of Communication Skills during a Job Interview

Although not all careers have a direct relationship with the ability to communicate, it is necessary for every professional at some point. During a job interview, the day-to-day at work, or when needed to perform a presentation or networking moments. Importance of Communication Skills during a Job Interview Good Communication Skills are crucial to a…

Why are Writing Skills in the Top Business Skills to Learn?

Why are Writing Skills in the Top Business Skills to Learn?

Communication can happen in many ways, such as video calls, face-to-face conversations, phone calls, illustrations, text messages, email, signage, advertising, and blogs. Written skills are paramount in establishing yourself as a top professional in the business world. This is because good writing follows a logical path and is easy to understand. Writing what you want…

10 Characteristics of Effective Communication

10 Characteristics of Effective Communication

Have you ever wondered if you’re good at communicating? If you know how to share a message and receive information or if, on the contrary, that “is not for you”?  Being able to communicate with those around you-whether your partners, subordinates, bosses, friends, or enemies- is much more than a good skill to have: it…

Formal Communication – 5 things to Know

Formal Communication – 5 things to Know

Formal communication is the easiest way to communicate in the workplace because it is all predefined by the organizational structure; it is characterized by a more significant concern with the choice of words and the absence of common slang and expressions used in everyday life. However, we may see ourselves using the formal language and…

How Strong Interpersonal Communication Boost Productivity?

How Strong Interpersonal Communication Boost Productivity?

From a sociological perspective, as human beings, when we are born, we are fitted within a social and cultural environment built with norms and morals that society expects each and every one of us to follow. According to research done by Ipsos, 57% of people use social tools to improve collaboration in the work environment….

Informal Communication 3 Things to Know

Informal Communication 3 Things to Know

Informal or colloquial language represents everyday language; that is, it is spontaneous language, regionalist, and unconcerned with grammatical norms; people regularly use it in daily conversations, especially when they have some intimacy. In today’s article, we will find a bit more about informal communication, when it is appropriate to use, which social groups are better…