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Here’s a Winning Motivation Letter Guide

Also known as a cover letter, the motivation letter is widely used by those who intend to apply for a job vacancy or at a university abroad.

Writing an excellent motivational letter without spelling errors and objectives is not an easy task;  many candidates worry at this point. What must it contain? 

This article will see all the information and tips you need to prepare a good motivation letter. But remember that the examples that we will present here are just for your inspiration because a motivational letter is unique since everyone has their own story and is applying for specific jobs/opportunities. There is no point in copying someone else’s story.

What is a Motivation Letter? 

The motivation letter is a document that can be required in various situations, such as undergraduate, graduate, employment, application for a scholarship, selection processes, or even a document you must write for a spontaneous application in another country. 

The motivational letter must be the document in which the candidate explains why he was interested in that opportunity – in this document, and he must show his intentions about the opportunity offered. 

This is an excellent opportunity for the candidate to demonstrate their objective most enthusiastically and originally possible. It is essential to say that it can be the differential for a vacancy. It is probably the most personalized document of your application and a unique chance for you to introduce yourself to the evaluators and your curriculum and academic record.  

Through this document, the recruiter can get to know a little about you and understand your goals.

How to get ready to write a Motivation Letter? 

Before writing the motivation letter, try to research the institution to which you will apply. Also, finding out something about significant projects, goals, and press releases can help guide the text. 

If you are applying for a scholarship, please read all the requirements in the process documentation. Try to investigate the faculty and evaluate the curriculum of the teachers. This information is usually available on the institution’s website. 

In the case of a job vacancy, visit the company’s website and read the institutional pages such as “About us” or “What we do .”Make sure you are in line with the company’s philosophy.

You will have to take into account some differences, depending on the purpose of a motivation letter. Even so, there is a way to structure any letter of motivation and, in this way, be able to express yourself in the best way for the motivation letters that you will have to write throughout your academic and professional path.

Universal Framework for a Motivation Letter 

1. Make a Draft 

For any document you have to write, it’s always good to start with a draft. Here you can begin by listing several issues that will have to be represented in your motivation letter, namely: 

List the academic training you went through, professional experiences, relevant skills from other areas, activities you went through, and with which you acquired soft skills. 

List information about the type of application you wish to access, as well as the Institution/Company for which you want to apply 

Start lining up the reasons you are the right candidate for this competition – making a connection between the various experiences you have had with individual aspects of the training/job you are applying for.

2. Assemble Your Letter 

This is when you will have to make sense of the information that resulted from your draft. Remember that there are some formal aspects that a letter must contain, namely: to whom the letter should be addressed; the purpose for which you are writing the letter;  the personal presentation;  the reasons for the application;  and the ending that should close your letter with a farewell. 

Although these elements must be present in one way or another on the card, there will be more original ways in which you can play in your favor.

Thus, you must determine a beginning, middle, and end – yes, as if it were a little story. Remember that a particular narrative about yourself and this application can make a difference and make the motivation letter more attractive. 

So, don’t limit yourself to a mere description of your draft. Accompany the designated paragraphs with any memory that is important to mention (the experience of studying abroad, for example). Try to make your tone formal but not too distant. Often proximity writing will be able to convey your message more successfully.

3. Knowing how to maintain authenticity 

When writing your letter, always try to describe your own experiences and perceptions about the course you are trying to take.  

Try not to copy impressions that aren’t yours or talk about experiences you’ve never had. Remember that a motivation letter is intended for genuine contact with the recipient. 

Above all, let it be a decal of how you lived your academic and professional experiences – and how these made you a unique individual and prepared to receive the training you want to acquire.

Writing Skills
Motivation letter

How to write a Motivation Letter?

To write a motivation letter, focus on your interest, and start with a concise and objective paragraph explaining why you want to apply for that study or work. Make sure your enthusiasm clearly explains what motivates you in the company or university. 

Because the opportunity is unique and what is the reason for your choice. Be aiming to write your letter of motivation, do not distance yourself from your goal by telling events of your life history. Keep focused on demonstrating that you are the ideal candidate for the vacancy. 

I. The Letter of Motivation / Introduction to Applying for a Job 

The letter of motivation for a job is a cover letter, and you should keep this specification in mind when you start writing your cover letter. In addition to all the formal structure necessary for a cover letter, which can be based on our universal template for a motivation letter, you should also take into account some crucial points, namely: 

  • Personal motivations and characteristics for applying for a specific job 

In a cover letter for a job, you should consider describing your skills, how your personality fits the roles you are applying for or how specific life experiences make you the right person for a particular job. 

  • Customization of each Cover Letter 

You should always write a personalized cover letter for each job you apply. In this way, you can always look for specifications about the company/institution you are applying for and use this data to show an in-depth knowledge of the respective areas of activity. 

  • Know how to direct a formal cover letter 

You must pay attention to some more formal aspects of a cover letter. You should know to whom to address the letter, do not write about the salary and always keep in mind special care in the letter’s tone. Recruiters will often analyze your sensitivity in handling and the originality of the content.

II. Motivation Letter to enter an Internship 

Know that the internship should always be seen as training, even when paid. Even know how to take advantage of your personal qualities to be an asset to the company/institution you intend to intern. Keep in mind the following parameters for an exemplary internship motivation letter: 

  • Focus on your technical and transpersonal skills 

When writing the letter of motivation to enter an internship, you should consider the technical skills you want to develop, but above all, follow an apprenticeship in which you can explore your skills to align them with the world and the professional life. Remember that the internship experience is the moment when you will define your worker profile. 

  • Look for cultural and language learning on an international internship 

If you have the opportunity, try to undertake an internship experience where you can develop other characteristics, such as knowing a new culture and learning a new language. If you have to write a motivation letter for an international internship experience, focus on your sociability skills and ability to adapt to new environments.

  • Bring the right motivation and desire to develop the company/institution for which you intend to undertake the internship 

Although the internship is a training moment, you can always include in your motivation letter the desire to develop the company/institution for which you are applying. You can always focus on your creative and teamwork skills as an asset to the sector’s evolution to which you are using.

Motivation Letter Templates and Examples

A. Motivation Letter Template for a Job Opportunity 

I was surprised to find the opening for XXXXX on the XXXXX company website, which I have been following the development with great interest. I am the right person for the position; I am sure that working for this renowned company would be a significant leap in my career. 

In my performance as XXXXX, I gained a lot of experience in the role due to my XX years of practice. 

As you can see through my attached resume, I have the necessary knowledge and skills for the vacancy, in addition to believing that I can contribute in a very constructive way to the position offered. 

Yours sincerely, 


(full name of candidate)

B. Motivation Letter for an Internship Opportunity 

I am currently in the XX year of the XXXXX course at XXXX University. During my studies, I developed a great interest in the XXXXX area. So much so that I tried to delve into the subject through an online course in the last semester. 

I want an internship opportunity to gain experience, broaden my horizons and take the first steps in building my career. I am sure that an internship at XXXXX company would be an excellent opportunity to learn different work methodologies. 

I have good interpersonal skills and teamwork. I believe that XXXXX company will be satisfied with my ease of adaptation, commitment, and persistence. 

I am attaching my resume. I await your feedback. 

Yours sincerely, 


(full name of candidate)

Things that should be avoided in a Motivation Letter 

1. Avoid using quotes 

The letter of motivation is about you. The content of the text should be entirely personal; as appealing as they are, the quotes of prominent thinkers and philosophers should be avoided at all costs.

Putting this phrase in the motivation chart does not add any value and no originality.

2. Don’t do long letters 

Avoid writing a very long letter containing the momentum of writing your complete biography in a motivation chart. Put yourself in the place of the selector and remember that they must deal with a large volume of applications.

3. Avoid repeating the contents of your curriculum 

As we have already said, the letter of motivation is an opportunity to give information from outside the academic history. But it is typical to forget this detail, and there, through the text, we repeat the curriculum. Make text editing and cutting repetitions. Eliminate all over that makes your letter a poor replica of your curriculum. 

4. Avoid using online translators 

If the opportunity requires a motivation letter in another language, do not use the available online translators. Generally, the quality of translations is low and can harm your text. If you do not have the language in the language in question, ask someone to dominate translate the letter.

Why is the motivation letter important? 

A motivation letter is essential because it is a document where you communicate with the recruiter and introduce yourself personally and straightforwardly, unlike the resume, which lists titles, diplomas, and experiences. In the letter of motivation, you will explain your goals, reasons, and qualifications for the position, aiming to win the recruiter as quickly as possible.  

And the document is so important because it is the first point of contact between you and the person responsible for the selection.

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A motivation letter is not a CV, and you must insert in the document only the information that has to do with the vacancy you are looking for. In addition, we emphasize, once again, that the document must be personalized and specific to that opportunity and that it is not ideal to use the same motivation letter for several institutions.

References and Further Reading 

How to Write a Motivation Letter (With Tips and Examples). Indeed.

Cover Letter Examples for All Job Applications in 2022. Resume Genius.

How to Write a Cover Letter. Harvard Business Review. 

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