Communication Skills Guide: Examples of 11 Good and 8 Poor ones
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Communication Skills Guide: Examples of 11 Good and 8 Poor ones

Having effective communication skills is essential to every aspect of life, from going through school/college, to simply sharing ideas, speaking in public, nailing an interview, for better prospects in bidding proposals and whether we like it or not, we sometimes have poor communication skills. Well, it is not wrong to accept it; in fact, it…

Presentation to Senior Management – 5 great Insights for Success!

Presentation to Senior Management – 5 great Insights for Success!

As an employee, you always have to present something to the senior management or executives. Learning how to deliver a presentation to senior management might just be what gives you that opening and impact your career/business opportunity in/with that company. Generally, presenting to senior management is one of the most challenging tasks that you will…

How to Introduce a Speaker in the Right Way? 11 Tips for Successful Speaker Introduction

How to Introduce a Speaker in the Right Way? 11 Tips for Successful Speaker Introduction

A good speaker introduction is very crucial to ensure effective presentations and speeches. So many speeches than anyone could imagine have been doomed to failure by a simple bad introduction. And what everyone expected to be a moment of kindling the fire of enthusiasm in the audience turns out to be a brain freeze outbreak. …

Here’s an Excellent Keynote Speech GUIDE: With 2 Great Examples

Here’s an Excellent Keynote Speech GUIDE: With 2 Great Examples

You’ve probably been asked to give a keynote speech and you are afraid of it. Well, if you’ve never done this before, then there’s no need to panic. Thankfully, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s start with the basics, shall we?  So, what is a keynote speech?  Simply put, a keynote speech is usually…

Smooth Transition in a Speech – 69 Transition Statements

Smooth Transition in a Speech – 69 Transition Statements

There are times when you listen to a speech and you wonder, how does the speaker relate these two things, or if he jumped topics and you felt completely lost. Knowing how to make a smooth transition in a speech will help you as a speaker to keep your audience engaged and on topic. Any…

The 7 Basic Elements of Public Speaking

The 7 Basic Elements of Public Speaking

Remember that time you had to present a topic in front of a crowd? Probably it was a proposal at work or an oral report in grade school. You took the time to prepare and gather materials, after which you climbed the podium and started talking. There are seven basic elements of public speaking that…

10 Best Tips for Successful Business Presentations
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10 Best Tips for Successful Business Presentations

If you’ve ever had the chance to present in front of a board, then I’m sure you can relate when I say-preparation is the key ingredient. That comes without question. Business presentations could potentially make or break your whole career. That is why it’s always a smart idea to get a handle of your presentation…

Top 41 Famous Speeches IN HISTORY

Top 41 Famous Speeches IN HISTORY

Speeches have been empowering people for a very long time. They have uplifted the spirits of people and educated them on various topics. There are some famous speeches in history that are considered as one of the best.  Why speeches have such a profound effect on people and become timeless? There are many speeches that do…

Eulogy Guide: How to Write and Give a Heartfelt Funeral Speech (with 4 Eulogy examples)

Eulogy Guide: How to Write and Give a Heartfelt Funeral Speech (with 4 Eulogy examples)

Eulogy Definition According to the dictionary a eulogy is simply a formal expression of praise for the deceased. It is a way of saying good bye while telling some of the most vivid memories and deeds of the deceased, as well as what he/she meant to the speaker or those in attendance. Death can come…